Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Caged Tiger, Smiling Doctor

Okay, repeat after me (melodically of course, following along with that old children's melody; with apologies for any word I was not really fond of some of the original material)

Ek (Ache - one) lovely,
Don (Doe - two) lovely,
Teen (three) lovely,

Char (four) lovely,
Panch (five) lovely,
Che (six) lovely,

Saatt (seven) lovely,
Aat (eight) lovely,
Nau (No - nine) lovely,

Dus (rhymes with bus - 10) lovely
Indian Goys (Yes, Judaism is not exactly big here, and I wanted to include everyone).

There, you got to sing, and learn your basic Hindi numbers all at the same time...wasn't that fun (please insert only positive responses here).

Daily Hindi lessons at the front desk.  Counting Sebs (Sabes - Apples) has been very helpful.

Well, last night Laurie and I both had a meeting with Dr. Pendse (on Thursday afternoon we will have up to a two hour meeting to go over all of our questions and what we need to be doing for the next 2-3 months), and the report was very positive indeed.  After taking my pulses Dr. Pendse indicated that it felt like a caged tiger, ready to get out.  As for Laurie's he was also very pleased at the bounce that was back in her pulse and called Dr. Anjali into the office to take her pulse while he stood by beaming.  After she checked Laurie's pulses I asked her if she wanted to feel what a caged tiger rearing to be free felt like.  Of course she politely humored me.

I had explained to Dr. Pendse that the previous day I had held on to my busti oil for at least 8 hours ("He Who now Holds onto His Oil For a Very Long Time") and the bulk of it for about 21 hours.

My various Ladus (Ladu means ball).  The ones on the left and middle I eat in the morning before going to the clinic by doctor's orders (they are rather rich and heavy, made with various flours, sugar and ghee).  The ones on the right (rajgeera - pronounced raz-geerah / for some reason Laurie usually refers to them as ra-goolie.  I think she believes we're in Italy) I eat just before busti time.  You know, "Just two balls of Ladu help the busti stay in, the busti staaay innnn, the busti staaay innn, in the most delightful way..."  By the way, I'm getting sick of sweets...though I'm looking forward to some Gulab Jamun soon.

I then mentioned that my legs the previous night had felt as if they were going thru growing pains (quite uncomfortable) and Dr. Pendse smiled and said that both pieces of information were like "music to my ears".  He is feeling that the body is now taking over internally and that it is a very good sign indeed.  Laurie, during her evening session, had become so comfortable during the Shirodhara method that they let her sleep for a spell before waking her to come into our meeting.  I queried Dr. Pendse as to what percentage improvement he would assign to me, since initially he had indicated a conservative hope for 25%.  Well yesterday he thought about it and stated "40 - 45%"; which of course feels great, but there is still some ways to go.  Unfortunately we did not ask what percentage he would assign to Laurie but suffice to say that she too is moving along in the right direction, with some ways to go.

We have established that though we have come a long way with our treatments while we have been here in India, it does not stop here.  We will be planning on returning home with a myriad of herbs, oils, powders, treatment instructions to perform on each other and daily yogic exercises for a minimum of 2-3 months.  The rice bolus fomentations (Navarkizhi or Shali Shashtika Pinda Sweda - A massage to the body with small linen bags filled with cooked Navara rice <cooked in cow's milk and mixed with an herbal decoction> after a liberal application of medicated oil over the whole body) will be an important element (we are each to be taught and trained before leaving) and after I saw Dr. Aruna today for issues with the bottom of my left (fourth metatarsal), we both have instructions for yogic exercises to do alone and ways to help each other with our feet problems.

Dr. Aruna was magnificent, explaining to me and showing me how the issue on the bottom of my left foot corresponds to an area in the crook of my ankle that is actually affected by the top of my fibula being out of alignment.  She then proceeded to move up the leg, having me feel where a portion of one my outer upper quadricep muscles has dislodged from the bulk of the muscle and has stiffened while trying to carry my weight.  This has been exacerbated by my hip being out; caused by an issue with my bottom two lumbar vertebrae.  She took time to work her way up the leg, having me understand what is going on and then explaining a variety of exercises to strengthen various areas and pull things back into alignment (hence correcting the bottom of the foot issue that has been plaguing me along with everything else).  A mere picture of overall health, yep, that's me...

Oh, Thanks for sending me flowers...that just cheered me up right away

This is an important time for both Laurie and I to try and get things back where they belong as the Panchakarma has provided suppleness and elasticity to muscles, tendons, and tissues that have not been there for quite some time.  Needless to say, we will not be coming home 'cured' but well on the road that will point us in the proper direction if we continue to follow the pathway we have been shown here in India.  We have both been taken with the overall wholistic approach of Ayurveda for just about everything we can think of; especially their laser like focus on ferreting out the root cause of whatever problem that presents itself (which quite often is not at all where those of us who have grown up in the West would think the root cause would really be).  Symptoms, rather than grabbing a central focus, become an informative tool, as if a canary in the mine, for some deeper issue that has been left untreated for far too long.

We have each now had 18 treatments, with three to go; and though we appreciate how much they help us, we are looking forward to them being over.  I keep asking what the graduation party is going to be like and since I can't get a straight answer I'm guessing we're in for some big surprise party.  Oh my, I better start working on my look of surprise when it actually happens :-)


So, you still find chicken appetizing?

Corn anyone?

In closing, in case you missed it on my Facebook posting, and in keeping with today's musical theme:

It's Ayurvedic-fragilistic-expi-ali​-Healing, if you say it loud enough it's really Quite Appealing; and if you do it long enough you'll have that Healing Feeling, Ayurvedic-fragilistic-expi-ali​-Healing...Humm-diddle-liddle-​liddle-lum-diddle-eye, Humm-diddle-liddle-liddle-lum-​diddle-eye...AGAIN!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love you Cloud and I love Laurie too. May you both continue to heal. I think you'll have a thing or two to teach me when you get home, but please no busti lessons. See you soon. XXOO

  3. If your 'crowing' about the length of time you can 'hold your oil' and busti with the best, is an indication of your new 'caged tiger' self....well, suffice it say, I hope you expand your horizons when you return. Kidding aside, you have provided some real belly laughs Cloudy....

    Love you BOTH bunches and can't believe you will return NEXT WEEK. Experiencing a taste of how you can heal and have healed thus far is the juice to guide the next phase of continued improvement. Like Laurie proclaimed-Hallelujah! So, so happy for you two...Debbie
